Showcase Support


A "being updated" message appears when no one is updating the record OR
An object, patron, or category is missing OR
A "variable not found" message appears

Run the Fix Databases option located on the main menu.  This feature is designed to correct many problems.

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The system says it is already running when it is not

Restart your computer.  Then from the Windows desktop click My Computer, then Local Disk C, then the Showcase folder.  Double-click the file RELSCASE.EXE.  Start Showcase and immediately choose the Fix Databases option on the main menu.

You are having a problem printing reports

If the report can be previewed, but not printed, verify that your printer is set up properly in Windows

If no data is appearing on a report, verify that your report choices actually result in data to print.  If the report appearance is incorrect, enter the correct format choice on the Set Preferences menu option.  Try running the Fix Databases menu option.

You are having problems after installing a program update

You will need the backup made prior to installing the update. 

Copy the file SCASE20.EXE from the backup into the Showcase folder on your Local Disk C, replacing the existing file.  Then start the Showcase and immediately choose the Fix Databases option on the main menu. 

This will restore your system to its previous version.  Contact Software Inventors, Ltd., at 888-633-7444 for assistance with the update

You receive a message saying the system cannot locate a file as it is starting

If the object data is stored on another computer, from the Windows desktop click My Computer.  If the network drive holding the database appears, double-click it.  A list of files should appear.  If it does not, contact your IT support for network assistance.  If files do appear, try starting the Showcase again. 

If the object data is stored on this computer, you may need to restore your Showcase database from your most recent backup. 

If this is a new installation, by default Showcase stores object data to Local Disk C in the folder Showcase/Scsdata. 

To specify a different location, from the Windows desktop click My Computer, then Local Disk C, then the ShowCase folder.  Double-click the file SETSCS.EXE and enter the correct path to the object data using either DOS path or UNC conventions.

You are asked for an authorization code

New authorization codes are mailed approximately 2 weeks prior to your license expiration.  If the new authorization code letter cannot be located, contact Software Inventors, Ltd., for a new code. 

If multiple computers are running the scheduling system, the authorization code must be entered on each.

You receive a message saying that the system cannot update a cursor

Verify that the user's Windows login rights grant permission to read, write, create, and delete files in the folder containing the patient database.  

Verify that no files contained in the MedRight folder are set as read-only. 
